Lifelong formation at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Walla Walla and throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services in Walla Walla
Sermon from this service is available here.
Our late service begins at 10.30 pm with a joyful carol sing. A lovely holy evening of music, prayer and communion. All are welcome here.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 323 Catherine St. Walla Walla, Washington 99362
The third Christmas service of the season is a pajama prayers service. A lovely informal service of communion and music wherein the congregation chooses the hymns and is welcome to wear their pajamas!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
EYE 2014 Spokane Application!!!
EYE 2014: July 9 - 13
- EYE is the Episcopal Youth Event that occurs every three years. It involves nearly 1200 Sr. High youth from all over the world.
- EYE is an amazing blend of play, learning, worship, fellowship and music.
- We will be staying near Philadelphia at Villanova University.
- EYE is open to teens currently in grades 9-12
- EYE is planned by a team of youth and adults from across the Episcopal Church.
- EYE is coordinated by the stellar staff of the Episcopal Church Center Youth Ministry Office
- The Spokane delegation is open to all 9-12 grade youth who are active with a congregation of the Diocese of Spokane (Episcopal).
- The Spokane delegation is coordinated by Jane Gober (janeg at, Youth and Family Minister at St. Paul's Walla Walla. Please contact her with any questions!
FEBRUARY 1, 2014.
Not the day after. That day, or any day between now and then!
Things you should know:
- We will choose up to 10 youth for this EYE. Selected participants will be notified by February 7, 2014.
- The cost share for the event will be 1/3 Diocese, 1/3 Congregation, 1/3 Individual. We expect the event attendance cost (airfare, shuttles in PA, registration fee) to be between $750 and $900. Final costs will depend on airfare costs. Folks with outrageously helpful Southwest Airlines connections (or willing to donate air miles) should contact Jane.
- We will fly out of Spokane on July 9th and return there on the 13th. There will be no coming and going independently, no one will travel alone. There is a chance we may need to fly the day before or after, but that will be known within plenty of time.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Advent Candle Prayers for Adults and for Families
“Come, Lord Jesus” is a leap into the kind of freedom and surrender that is rightly called the virtue of hope. The theological virtue of hope is the patient and trustful willingness to live without closure, without resolution, and still be content and even happy because our Satisfaction is now at another level, and our Source is beyond ourselves. We are able to trust that he will come again, just as Jesus has come into our past, into our private dilemmas and into our suffering world. Our Christian past then becomes our Christian prologue, and “Come, Lord Jesus” is not a cry of desperation but an assured shout of cosmic hope."
The practice of an Advent wreath helps us see the light of Christ grow in our hearts and minds as we strive toward 'his kingdom come.' Below you may find links to the Advent Wreath prayer sheets for families with young children that I gathered, edited and have utilized over and over again in several ministry settings. There is also a version for teens and or adults. These are intended to create both silence and conversation around the journey of Advent. I hope you can use these to deepen your discipleship journey this Advent.
For Families: This version is loosely based on the Godly Play Advent Lesson. It follows the lesson pattern rather than other classic schemes. It connects well with Godly Play work, however anyone should find it complimentary to lifelong formation at home.
We believe that it is always a good idea to have a Holy Family/Nativity/Creche set to go with your wreath. An easy way to add the journey of the Holy Family to your Advent practice is this 'journey game'.
The adult or teen candle prayers are here. This is drawn from a variety of sources, primarily Episcopal. It is deeply connected to a journey through Advent themes, however it doesn't follow any other Advent candle pattern (they do vary!).
You might also want to invest in the new Daily Prayers for All Seasons from Church Publishing. While not specific to an Advent wreath, the season of Advent prayers has an inspiring daily order of prayers suitable to the season. It is available both in hard copy and digital versions. (I love having the Kindle version at my fingertips.)
Another daily prayer option is the Common Prayer: Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. This work from 'emergent church' authors is a lifegiving approach to daily prayer throughout the year. Featuring regular reflections on people who offered their life as a witness to Christian service.
Quote from: Rohr, Richard (2012-09-30). Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for Advent (Kindle Locations 118-123). Franciscan Media. Kindle Edition.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Stars in their Courses: Advent - Christmas - Epiphany Calendar Activity Paper Chain
- You will need additional paper and pens.
- Young, non-reading children, will need the help of older children and parents.
- Some activities assume internet/smartphone access.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Join the New Beginnings Prayer Network
New Beginnings retreat for 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth.
We would love your prayer support during this event. If you can remember to hold the event in your prayers regularly between now and the event; and make a special effort to pray during the event..that is all we ask.
All who desire to hold the teens, peer leaders and adult leaders in prayer are invited to join us.
If you want to join the prayer network...
would you please add your name to the comments section below, offering your initials, a one or two word prayer and where you are from [for example: jag, health & generosity, walla walla].
Here are a few BCP prayer suggestions and digital links to the prayers.
- For Young Persons (BCP 829)
- For the right use of God's gifts (BCP 827)
- For guidance, confidence, protection, or dedication (BCP 832)
Perhaps you could try the d365 daily devotion site as a prayer guide. This cooperative project of the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches is available year round and soon as a downloadable app!
Or you could try the 3-minute-retreat, since we are praying for the New Beginnings retreat.
Whatever prayer method or mode you choose, your support will be known.
Blessings to you and your community!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Double-Decker Overnight called New Beginnings!
Maybe we could call New Beginnings an 'experience' or an 'adventure'.
Perhaps we could call it a double-decker overnight with a hearty filling of love and topped with pop rocks! Hmm.
For now however, we know it is a retreat for young people. This adventure we call New Beginnings isn't monastic (although it has contemplative parts) and it isn't solitary (NB is all about Christian community); however it is a retreat for middle school or junior high (6-7-8th graders) youth.
It is an offering of two evenings and the surrounding hours to learning and growing as a young teen in Christ's church. A peer-led 'experience', New Beginnings offers young people the blessings of a broad and connected church that no single congregation can offer. Through games, prayer, talks and skits the New Beginnings retreat will play and pray with topics like growth and family and how those complications connect to Christ's call to live with unbounded love. Furthermore NB encourages young people to return from the retreat with the will to serve God with the local church community.
We invite you to offer this unusual gift to the middle school or junior high youth in your life. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE (or print and mail) with a personal invite to the families of middle school youth in your life. It is a Christian weekend with prayer, sacramental worship, biblical teaching and more.
New Beginnings is coming up quickly...November 15-17 at the Cathedral in Spokane. Pre-registration is crucial and can be done online at If you have any questions please contact Jane Gober via email janeg AT .
W2: JAG is part of the leadership team for this event and she will need to be in Spokane independently of our young people. Therefore Walla Walla friends...we need to find an adult(s) who can help with transportation of young people for New Beginnings. Perhaps one person could deliver and another retrieve? Any safe-church-current adult is welcome to stay with us at the Cathedral for the weekend and help in the background (or the deep deep background).
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Bowling, Bibles, Coffee and TV's
Have you considered a good children's Bible for a holiday gift for a child, cousin or grand? My recommendation list is easy to find on my 'other' blog, the Blissful Irreverent. Maybe someone else in your life could use this list. Please pass the link onto them!
Speaking of holidays...if you are considering upgrading your television this season please consider sending your older one our way. I am specifically looking for a newer type TV that can handle digital streaming (like Chromecast or Roku). This will help some of our Yg and reForm work with young people.
Did you see that a wonderful member bought us a nifty Keurig coffee maker? It is in the hallway near the youth suite and available for all! Help us keep it stocked with k-cups!
Lastly..can you help remind our friends of Yg and Godly Play and the nursery to fill out the formation form that is found here?
Blessings on your faith journey!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yg: Costumed Bowling at Stardust Lanes
Tonight is the
Costume Bowling Party
at Stardust Lanes!
Normal time...6-8pm.All 6-12th graders invited; all parental units are also invited!
$5 suggested fee to help cover the costs of food and bowling.
Stardust is on 2nd between Birch and Stahl.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Holy Playfulness: October 27 is Costume Sunday!
Friends, family, neighbors and strangers... members of all ages are invited to wear a costume to church this Sunday, October 27th.
- Be a ball player or your favorite book;
- A map or a hero; a flower or a vase.
- Dress up like a sacrament or a saint.
Children, teens and adults who wear a costume TO WORSHIP AND FORMATION TIME will receive a prize!
The following WEDNESDAY Yg is COSTUME BOWLINg. Bring your own or there will be duct tape and we can make one for you!
Friday, October 18, 2013
October 20th: ReForm Class
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Away and Daydreaming
This week I am out of Walla Walla to places as far flung as Lake Tahoe and Spokane. At Lake Tahoe I am attendin the Western Christian Educators Conference. This is a joint event of the Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (pcusa) and is hosted at the marvelous Zephyr Point Conference Center. We also have youth leadership from many of the Province 8 dioceses. This group of Episcopeeps had our own meeting before the conference began in earnest, and it has been a good deal of fun reuniting with old friends and making new companions. A funny moment happened on Monday. I had been sending a friend and fellow youth worker a variety of questions. During a break I checked into my room and discovered not only was this pal on her way to the event, she was my roomie!
The conference itself is centered on the work of John Roberto and meeting the cultural bleswings of the digital revolutions. Can we create a local ecclesia that is a life supporting AND a digital network connected to our physical and spiritual community and tradition?
On Thursday I fly back to Washington and then head north to Spokane for the Youth Leadership Event that coincides with diocesan convention. At the YLe we will be preparing youth to be peer leaders at the upcoming TEC and NEW BEGINNINGS weekends. At convention we will be blessed by the stories of Sarah Miles. She is a leader at St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco. An innovative and challenging congregation whose work is worth exploring. Incedentally I am here at this conference at LakeTahoe with one of the fouding priests and a current priest, both of whom are old friends.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Bedtime Prayers..Fun and Holy
A good gift for a young family in your life.
Monday, October 7, 2013
'Nick and Lucy' comes to St. Paul's!
DECEMBER 14th 2013
St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchWalla Walla, Washington
All friends and families are invited to an extra-ordinary festive winter lunch with two ancient and holy guests: Nicholas of Myra and Lucia of Syracuse.
These two holy friends will be visiting us from beyond time, having no knowledge of things beyond their earthly years. They will tell us of their lives and of their service to the poor and needy. This musical celebration includes prayers, songs, food and candy traditions as well as brunch. A good way to celebrate without the holiday nonsense.
Please reserve your seats HERE by December 12th.
Youth and their families will be invited to help prepare, offer and serve the brunch.
Advent Architects: December 1, 12 noon

Advent Architects:
Sunday December 1, 12noon.
- painting and assembling portable Advent wreaths. One to keep and one to share.
- preparing candy free Advent through Epiphany calendars for watching the days progress.
- cut and color holy families to process through your home till Epiphany (January 6)
Lunch will be a 'potluck' of of Turkey day leftovers! Or is there a dish you love...but missed this year? Make it and bring it along!
You may want to bring a smock or old oversized t-shirt to keep your clothes fresh.
Solo adults are also welcome and may enjoy the offerings.
Help us plan ahead by signing up here.
Suggested donation $7 (can be made via credit card or paypal here!)