Tuesday, August 25, 2015

SF Mission Trip Slide Show

In July we headed to the great big city for a five day trip of mission, service and adventure.  Learn more about this valuable journey in the slideshow.  Check in with our mission participants to discover more about their own experience of the journey.
Lastly, help us begin to refill the youth mission fund with your generous donation.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fall Youth Group Schedule

The time is upon us again, TBTG!  We once more can be AWESOME.

We are funny and dorky and playful.  We are smart and friendly and faithful.   We strive to be awesome and honest.

We are gamers and players and readers and singers..we are young and we gather on Wednesday evenings at St. Paul's (Birch and Catherine, WW).

Sept 9
Wild Water Games!
Wear clothes that can get wet!
CinemaSport: Rudy
A ‘watch the whole movie’ evening...so we might run a tad bit late.
Crash Course
Humane Society
Project Serve
Take Home Paks and Cleaning out the Coats for Kids closet. 
Oct 4
St. Francis Blessing of the Animals
1pm on the Lawn
Oct 7
Game Day
Human Chess
Oct 10
Scholarship Dinner: All Youth and Families are Needed to Help Serve the Meal
to Learn How To Serve Tables Professionally
Oct 14
Crash Course*
King of Instruments
Oct 16-18
SPOKES: Youth Presence at Convention
Senior High Teens are eligible to help make our Diocesan Convention flow smoothly
CinemaSport: Remember the Titans
Might run late!
Project Serve
Nov 4
Game Day
Mystery game day
CinemaSport: Bend it Like Beckham
Might Run Late
New Beginnings: Live
6-8th Grade Diocesan Youth Gathering in Coeur d Alene
Crash Course*
Tools, part 2
No yG: Turkey Week

Open to any and all compassionate 6-12th graders, we make no exceptions for what you think, or wear, or your heritage or your identities.  We begin with food, then we work together to clean up from dinner.  After which our activity or guest or topic of the night is explored.  When we have time there is free time for games, and we always end with check in and liturgical night prayer

Folks are welcome to come early and hang around to do homework or help with the tasks of the church. We always need families and friends to offer dinner for our yG crew.  Please sign up online at this link.  We are also looking for volunteer assistant leaders and chaperon's (age 19 and up). 

Generally yG follows this pattern:

  • Dinner
  • Clean Up
  • Topic
  • Free Time
  • Night Prayer

Under Empire: Star Wars Rebels, Bonhoeffer and Exile

When I was very young I went to Army base daycare after school.  About once a week they would show us current movie clips.  This was a long time ago so these clips were actual film, on a reel to reel machine that made noises while it played. 

When I was older I realized there was a battle theme to all the scenes; they must have been sent to be shown to servicemen and women, and then were passed down to the daycare.  The scenes I recall were the race scene from 'The Love Bug', the duel scene from 'The Sword and the Stone', and the battle scene where the Millennium Falcon escapes the Death Star in the original 'Star Wars: A New Hope'.  This is to say that my Star Wars universe saturation began at its earliest possible point.

One night last year I was looking for something new but easy, comforting but fresh.  So I chose to check out the new animated series, Star Wars Rebels.  The music is familiar, the ships and uniforms of the Empire are recognizable, a style much closer to the original trilogy than the more recent experiment.  This is aimed at young people; but it doesn't take more than the first 20 minutes to discover that the driving question it seeks to answer is why is there a Rebellion at all.  What is so dreadfully wrong about the functioning of Empire and what are people of conscience to do about it? 

I do not know if the faith based social justice allusions are intentional, but they are impossible to miss.  With names like Zeb, Ezra and Kanan (said like the biblical region), or Sabine (frequent name for early Christian saints) and dialogue that could be copied from Scripture, I do have to wonder. Maybe the force is with us. 

So the Sunday morning youth formation class is going to dive in.  We are going to leap into the series and into the Biblical Exile, and into the life and witness of 20th century martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  It will be fun and faithful, serious and silly, and hopefully challenging.  Even if you could care less about that galaxy far, far away, if you care about this one, then make a point to gather for UNDER EMPIRE on Sunday mornings at 915, starting September 13.

While certainly the 'youth' class, we will be issuing false 'youth' credentials to interested adults.  As much as I understand the desire for age based groupings, we learn and grow in the faith better through the sharing of multiple generations.  Our youngest friends need the witness and relationship of more than just the youth leader.  So, those of you who feel the force, contact the Rebel leader for your credentials. 

Under Empire will meet most Sunday mornings this fall, downstairs at 915am.  

  • We need donations of frozen or refrigerated breakfast treats (like toaster strudels and cinnamon rolls) to fill cold morning tummies.  
  • We can also benefit from the gift of various Star Wars paraphernalia, like posters and pencils and action figures and especially more Lego minifigures.
  • We could use some better quality art materials like fancy drawing pencils and paper.
  • Lastly, Keurig Hot Chocolates and Teas and Ciders never go wasted.  Our young friends don't usually choose the coffees.