Thursday, August 29, 2013

Oh it's a Mystery!

The 2013 Mystery Trip for St. Paul's 6-12th graders is scheduled for

OCTOBER 11-12   

(WW Parent Teacher Conference Day is on the 11th; if your teen wants to go and is not out of school that day please email JAG (janeg at  ASAP!)

Friends, known to your parents, are welcome to come on the mystery trip!

We will leave at 10am and return before dark on Saturday.

The Mystery Trip ONLINE Permission form is here!

The packing list is here.

We need one more adult with a 7 passenger vehicle to help chaperone and transport.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rummage Finale

Rummage Finale

September 8th     8am – 12 noon

 Lower Hall, St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Find a treasure.    Make a donation.

Volunteer Shop Keepers Needed!

Help finish up our Rummage Sale business by sitting with the sale items and taking donations on Sunday morning, September 8.  

We need at least one person (preferably two) from 8.15 till 10.15 and someone(s) from 10.15 - 12.30. 
We will also need volunteers at 12.30 to box up the remainders.
ps...6-12th grade youth are welcome to volunteer. Contact JAG to volunteer.

Proceeds go toward makeover of Lower Hall. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Nerdfighters for Fall: Youth at St. Paul's

Youth group.  Middle School & Senior High.  Fun, faith, fellowship, worship and food.  On Wednesday evenings this fall we will be rotating through :
  • Game nights (starting with a Wild Water Balloons on Sept. 11),   
  • Whedon Wednesdays (starting with an episode of Firefly on Sept 18),  
  • Crash Courses (first subject: fire) and  
  • Projects (painting two four square court’s on Oct. 2).     
Pick up a schedule at the Ministry Fair or email/fb for one.   

We still need members of the community to help offer a yummy dinner for these youth group meetings.  Please contact us to sign up for a couple of Wednesdays.   

The next new piece of youth ministry is a new curriculum for Sunday morning formation.  A fabulously funny set of short animated films centered in questions that we really ask (like ‘Who really wrote the Bible?’)  We will start in room 13 and then break into smaller groups and finish in the youth suite.  The program is called re:form and you can preview the videos on their YouTube channel.  Simply search for SPARKHOUSE REFORM.   

The last new things to be on the lookout for are:  A MYSTERY TRIP!  October 11-12.  Where are we going?  I won’t tell you!   
And a IN COSTUME ‘Nerdfighter’ Scavenger Hunt: October 30th.  (What is a nerdfighter…google it!)  Costumes must be from Potter-verse, Whedon-verse, Star Wars, Star Trek, LoTR, Lizzie Bennett Diaries or the Bible.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Open Playdate

We will begin a new monthly gathering for parents and families this September: PLAYDATE.  Playdate is an open group for anyone with children and youth at home: parents or primary caregivers.   

Friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers, are all welcome.   

This will meet once a month, alternating between events with children’s activities and occasions for adults with childcare provided.   

The first PLAYDATE will be a Fingerfood Picnic at Pioneer Park by the playground, on Sunday, September 15th at 4pm.  This first event is for all ages.

Please bring a fingerfood to share.   Make sure to bring a label if it has any high allergen ingredients.

This first PLAYDATE will also be my welcome party.  So come on out!

Ministry Fair: September 8! More than names on pages!

Do you enjoy a cupcake?   
Then please join us for the Ministry Fair.   

The Ministry Fair is a chance to learn more about the wide variety of ministries that make up the life blood of St. Paul’s.   

There are certainly ministries looking for new hands to join in the work of building up God’s kingdom; but there are also small groups and studies that can nurture your walk with Christ.  

It is also a chance to greet new friends and old friends.

Expect to find plenty of goodies, including a special cupcake project.   
Yes, a cupcake project.

Whether you attend after the 8 am or after the 10.30 all ages will find activities and treats.   Schedules for Godly Play, Youth Group and our new offering: Playdates (learn more next time) will be available.  

Finally, during the ministry fair we will have a final offering of the rummage collection from sales gone by.   
These items will be set out in Lower Hall  and will be available for whatever gift you would like to make toward the ‘make-over’ of the Lower Hall.  

The ministry fair is September 8th all morning when we are not in worship.

Day 1

The sole purpose of this blogsite is to communicate the information you need to know for life with children, youth and families, and in formation, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Walla Walla, Washington!

In the days and weeks to come you will find:
  • class information
  • youth event information
  • forms
  • links for registrations
  • things Jane just wants to share!
See you soon!