Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New Beginnings: 5x5 November 14-15-16 in Richland!

5x5 is the radio code that means ‘all clear’.   

This New Beginnings weekend will be exploring how Christian practice and community can bring a sense of '5x5' when your life seems anything but clear. 

New Beginnings: 5x5 will include at least 5 of each of these:

  • talks/small groups on issues important to teen life right now
  • prayer/worship events
  • games
  • meals
  • snacks
  • new friends
  • songs
  • surprises!
This year's event will be held at All Saint's Episcopal Church in Richland, Washington.

New Beginnings: 5x5 is supported by the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane and reflects this tradition and our commitments.  That said, all are welcome, no exceptions needed.   
Registration is online, required and will be available at this link!
  •  6-8th graders who want to attend this New Beginning’s event may do so, even if they have gone before.  
  •  7-8th graders who attended previously are eligible to be on the Leadership Team . 
9-12th graders who have attended New Beginnings, TEC, or served as a Camp Cross counselor (or something very similar) will be well prepared for applying to join the leadership team.   9th-12th graders who are active in an Episcopal congregation may certainly apply as well.  

All adults who are currently leading and serving in any Episcopal congregation in the diocese (lay/ordained/paid/volunteer) and are current on safe church training are invited to help assist and chaperone the NB5x5 event.  
Click the email me button to the right if you have any questions. 
If you need a the same!

Monday, September 8, 2014

SPOKES: Youth Presence at Convention in Walla Walla

SPOKES is a new opportunity for Senior High teens in the diocese of Spokane to assist in the work of our diocesan convention.  Spokes refers to the spokes of a wheel hub; likewise the youth who serve with this team will assist with the social media presence and/or the church governmental work of convention.  

This year the convention for the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane will be celebrated in Walla Walla, Washington on October 17-19. 

Teens who are interested in the social media part of this opportunity should 

  • have some experience with social media (do you tweet or fb or instagram??).   
  • should show a willingness to interact with a variety of people and 
  • work with our leadership on our social media presence.  

Teens who have an interest in the organizational functioning of the Episcopal Church should consider being part of the team of ‘runners’ who will assist as needed with the convention processes.    

  • They should be able to move about easily and
  • follow organizational directions and 
  • have some interest in wider church life and/or parliamentary process.

SPOKES will also include social time (and other silliness) in between the work we are gathering to do.  The teens participating in SPOKES will be carefully supervised by adult leaders in the diocese.  (and...Walla Walla teens can be excused for the homecoming dance or game, but not both)


If you know an interested teen please have them fill out this link as soon as possible! 

If you have any questions please contact janeg at .