Monday, October 27, 2014

NB:5x5 Leadership Team Message 1

Leadership Team Overnight is November 1-2 at All Saints in Richland!!!!
We will begin at 10am.
  • We know some of you will still be on your way at that moment!   
  • Please keep Jane posted about your travel.   
  •  If you need help arranging carpools…contact Lucas K if you are in the Spokane area..and Jane or Colin if elsewhere. 
  • We will have dinner available when you arrive.   
  • We will finish up after lunch after the worship service on Sunday morning, WHERE THE BISHOP WILL BE PRESENT!!  So 2-3ish.


  • Sleeping on the floor stuff            
  • Comfy appropriate clothes and shoes
  • Church clothes  (as you choose)           
  • Toiletries and stuff               
  • Water bottle
  • Mobile device (if you use one) and if you have a TABLET OR NOTEBOOK COMPUTER that you regularly use.  (If you don’t regularly use one then don’t worry about it).
  • A paper notepad and writing implements


5X5: It is radio code for being all clear.  Sort of like the ‘can you hear me now’ commercials.  For the Buffy fans in the crew it is also something that Faith commonly utters which seems analogous with ‘cool’.  What brings the ‘all clear’ to your life and the lives of your peers? What causes the static and the not ‘all clear’??
The scripture for the event is the parable of the Good Samaritan.  Do you know it as well as you imagine?  Have you really read it?  Can you search for cool online videos of the story?  How about children’s bible versions of the parable??  What is the primary question of the parable and what is the answer??????  How does this speak to the life of young people right now??