Other Details
March 1 12n
Current 8-12th graders are eligible;
Parent & Teen required to attend
March 4 6p
Yg: Project Serve
Bring or donate from the list below
March 11 6p
Yg:Crash Course: Physics
March 18 6p
Yg: International Film Night: Children of Heaven
Watch and Eat and Grow!
March 22 9.15a
Passion Reading Practice
Prepare to offer the Passion Gospel on Palm Sunday
March 25 6p
Tenebrae Crafting and Practice
Prepare to offer the Tenebrae service the next week
March 29 10.30a
Palm Sunday Passion
Please arrive by 9.30a to prepare and share
April 1 6p
No Yg
Tenebrae Service
Dinner available for participants and guests after the service
April 4 7.30p
Original Easter Vigil
Join your friends and family for the Original Vigil
at the Blackabys
April 5 8a
Easter Sunday!
Celebrate the victory over death with a traditional Easter service!
April 5 12ish
Resurrection Party!
Not your everyday Easter game. Bring a flashlight and seek the Good News
April 8
April 15
Yg: Gameday…TBA
April 22
Yg: Crash Course: TBA
April 29
Yg: Project Serve
Project Serve: Take Home Packs
Youth Group is Assembling Take Home Packs for WW Housing
Vulnerable Teens on March 4th.
Individual servings that do not require refrigeration or cooking will
offer basic calories for homeless young people in our community. The list below is important, however
donations of similar foods will be quite appreciated.
Fruit Sauce Cups or Squeezes
Granola and Snack bars – look for high protein/fiber
Cheeze cracker sandwiches
Meat Jerkys
Seed and Nut packs
Plastic Spoons
Gallon size zip-lock bags
Mission Trip 2015
By the time you read this we will have chosen a destination...either Vancouver BC, San Francisco or Hawaii. The focus of the mission trip is service learning in ministries that help the disadvantaged and to learn about the systems of injustice that maintain such brokenness. It will also, most likely, be an opportunity to learn about how to get about in a large metro area without a vehicle. We have substantial funds already raised from years of work; please pay attention to our fundraising efforts this spring and help us make the journey.