This year St. Paul's is going to try an original approach to the ancient practice of an Easter Vigil. Learning from the work of dinner church projects across the country, and recalling the ancient roots of all liturgy we will be celebrating together the resurrection of our Lord with an Original Vigil. It may need a better name, but for now that will do.
What will this Original Vigil be like?
- We will celebrate at the home of Earl and Sandi B. Please call or email St. Paul's if you need to know where they live.
- We will begin promptly at sundown,7.30pm.
- We will begin our worship by bringing forth a holy fire.
- Families and groups of friends will be invited to take on the telling of various Vigil stories as they choose to do so. Creativity and originality are welcome at this Original Vigil.
- Guests are encouraged!
- Following the declaration of Christ's resurrection we will proceed inside for a Dinner Church Holy Eucharist: communion with a whole sacred meal.
This might be a great option for folks who want an ancient practice but desire to avoid the crowds. It also might be a good choice for folks who are drawn in multiple directions on Easter Sunday.
The Vigil Stories can be told dramatically, musically or in any creative or simple format. For this Original Vigil the 'readings' are:
- 1st Creation Story: Gen 1
- The Exodus: 14.10-31, 15.20-21
- Dry Bones: Ezek 37
- Psalm 98
- Resurrection: Matt 28
We will begin at 7.30 pm, and we will be done no later than 9pm.
We will celebrate at the home of the Blackaby's.
Plenty of time for all ages to rest up for the excitement of Easter morning. :)
Sounds wonderful!