There are many occasions this week to consider deeply our walk with Christ. The ministries with young people and families would love your participation.
Families and youth: please take a moment to click through and sign up for your part in the Original Vigil. We need a few more folks to tell stories and a few more folks to bring along some fruits, cheeses, olives and what not. Sign up to offer your parts here. This is a supremely wonderful occasion for friends with children who are curious about our community.
Youth group members who would like to offer a musical interlude during Tenebrae on Wednesday should contact JAG before Tuesday evening. Youth group members at the church by 5.30 on Wednesday.
Our Resurrection Party is a lovely way to celebrate the risen Christ. If you can contribute Easter cookies or finger fruits for our party please bring them by.
Have you shared our Holy Week Schedule with friends? Maybe someone in
your life would be pleasantly surprised by what they find at St. Paul's.