Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

We are inviting the whole congregation to an Advent & Christmas reading of 'The Gifts of Imperfection' by sociologist and storyteller (and Episcopalian) Dr. Brene Brown. If you don't know her, a quick internet search will reveal the most popular TED talk, multiple animated expressions of her important work, conversations with Oprah and several bestsellers. Our Advent book choice is available digitally for download, in audio versions, and in hard copies. It was a bestseller, so second hand copies should be easy to find. Furthermore BOOK AND GAME has 10 copies reserved for us.
This will be casually discussed at the Adult Forum on the 29th, 13th and 20th of December and on the 3rd of January. If you have never joined in a forum, this might be the right time to do so. Even if you are unavailable during the forum time (thank you choir members), perhaps reading this book can be your Advent commitment. Create a sacred space for the gifts of imperfection this winter.
To the right is a word list. A word a day list for your reflection, writing, creativity, focus or quoting. A word a day from the book, a word a day to last you from the first day of Advent till the Epiphany. We offer this because the traditional season of Christmas is a full 12 days. The world may throw the tree to the curb, but we have more to do in our Christmas journeys.
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