Monday, October 10, 2016

5 Talk/Scenes for NB: Become!

Why do we gather?
How are we evolved as Christian people who gather together?
Who are we hoping to become through our gathering?

A few points about GATHER/BECOME theme:
  • all gatherings, including those of Jesus, involve people in a particular vision of society, while also immersing all the people gathered in a vision of what relations among people should and can be
  • Jesus table ministry (all those stories of him eating with folks) was a strategy for rebuilding human communities on holy principles of healing, welcoming, and challenging the unjust structures.
  • In the Eucharist we gather up all our memories of tables - food, fun, tears, laughter, satisfaction, mellowness and silliness - and they become our own bodies.  Gathered round the table we are looking at what we have become.
  • In gatherings around tables we are invited to practice a life of lavish abundance and extravagant service where all may find real food, real rest, real company.
Our five scene topics should connect with the following 5 ideals in no order:
  1. Welcoming the Stranger
  2. Recovering Vision
  3. Connecting to Neighbor
  4. Serving Needs
  5. Healing Brokenness 
WHAT TV/MOVIE scififantasydisneyanimatedseries SCENES could connect with some of these ideals???  Please comment in the comments!

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